Useful Numbers, Links, and Resources
All members of Grey Power are now covered by a $2,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefit provided through American Income Life Insurance Company.
A yearly flu vaccine is recommended for everyone over 6 months old. It is free if you are aged 65 and over and for certain groups of other people.
Flu vaccines are available from your doctor, nurse, or healthcare provider. Adults can get a flu vaccine at many pharmacies.
More information is available on the Ministry of Health website.
Covid-19 Vaccinations - general information
Covid-19 Information
The 'Get Connected' booklet, produced by Marlborough District Council in partnership with the Older Person’s Forum, provides information about social and recreational opportunities for over-65s in Marlborough.
Download and print the pdf here.
You are also welcome to pick up a copy from the Grey Power Marlborough office
Family Care is the official publication of national not-for-profit Carers NZ, and a trusted source of information, advice, and support for people who are older, unwell, or have a health condition or disability, and their families.
Read and subscribe here:
The Marlborough District Council produces a community newsletter every two months for the entire region, and a Picton newsletter every month. These newsletters shares news from local community groups, important information for locals, and upcoming events.
Marlborough crisis team
Marlborough after hours
Depression Helpline
1737 service
Mental Health Foundation
Nelson Marlborough District Health Board
Services for older persons - NMDHB
Grey Power Marlborough on Facebook
Grey Power NZ
Grey Power Electricity
Mental Health Support
More from Grey Power
(03) 520 9907
(03) 520 9999
0800 543 354 or text 4357 (free)
0800 726 666
0800 111 757 or text 4202 (free)
Call or text 1737 (free)